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More about Francis

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Hong Kong Tenor Francis Ng (1996) recently graduated cum Laude from the master programme at Codarts Rotterdam (Classical Singing), aka Rotterdams Conservatorium, under the tutelage of Dutch tenor Marcel Reijans and is still currently coached by him. An awardee of Hartman Award, he graduated with exceptional performance. Francis obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Music with First-class Honour/ cum laude at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, where he studied with baritone Caleb Woo, and where numerous performance and academic scholarships were awarded to him. Francis participated in several masterclasses, coached by Margreet Honig, Carolyn Watkinson, Katharine Goeldner, Dongjian Gong and more. He is now a member of the studio of the Haarlem opera group The Fat Lady, under the direction of conductor, pianist and composer Tamir Chasson. 

“Francis Ng zingt als Mordechai met een heldere…stem, krachtig en overtuigend…”

(As Mordecai, Francis Ng sings with a bright…voice, powerful and convincing)

(Händels Esther met Apollo Ensemble, Leidsch Dagblad, 28 februari 2022)


Upon his arrival in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Francis has often been invited to perform as a concert soloist. A versatile singer, he embraces a repertoire encompassing music in style of Baroque to Post-Romanticism, including J.S. Bach’s Matthäus-Passion and Johannes-Passion, masses by Mozart and Schubert, Bruckner’s Requiem, Mendelssohn’s Die erste Walpurgisnacht, Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle, Janáčeks Otčenáš, Puccini’s Messa di Gloria and so on. 

“Nadir [Francis] en Zurga zingen vol hartstocht en innerlijke kracht, duidelijk articulerend…”

(Nadir [Francis] and Zurga sing with full passion and internal strength, clearly articulating…)

(Bizets De Parelvissers met Opera Festa, Leidsch Dagblad, 18 juli 2022)


Francis is also gradually establishing himself as a young opera singer. In summer 2021 he made his operatic debut as Le Remendado in Opera Spanga’s production of Bizet’s Carmen. In 2022, he played as Nemorino from Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’amore (Opera Viva Festival, Woerden) and Nadir from Bizet’s Les Pêcheurs de Perles (Opera Festa, Leiden). At the Festival Via Musica 2023 he played as Midas in the staged version of J.S. Bach’s Bachs “Der Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan” by Apollo Ensemble. In the season 23/24, Francis portrays the role of Nemorino (Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’amore) with Operakoor Belcanto in Velsen (NL), Macduff (Verdi’s Macbeth) with Opera Festa in Leiden (NL) and Lensky (Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin) with Opera op het Hogeland in Groningen (NL). 


“Vier [Vijf] solisten vertolken hun rol meesterlijk, expressief, volumineus, ieder in hun eigen hartstochtelijk warme klankkleur…Francis Ng als Macduff, krijger uit het leger van de heersende vorst Duncan, uit met zijn hartstochtelijke heldentenor zijn verontwaardiging als ‘geweten van de samenleving’.”

“The four [five] soloists interpret their role masterfully, expressively, voluminously, in their own passionate warm tone…Francis Ng as Macduff, warrior from the army of King Duncan, expresses his indignation as “the conscience of the society” with his passionate heroic tenor.”

(Verdi's Macbeth met Opera Festa,  Leidsch Dagblad, 14 juli 2024)


Francis is the First Prize winner of The 4th International Nehama Lifshitz Vocal Competition in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a recent of award recipient of International Singing Competition of the Chamber Opera Rheinsberg Castle (Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg) 2023 and  performed the role of Don Luigino in the opera “La Molinara” by Paisiello.


“…dagegen bleibt Don Luigino trotz des trefflichen Gesangs von Francis Ng in der Rolle des glücklosen Verehrers…” 

("On the other hand, despite the splendid singing of Francis Ng, Don Luigino remains in the role of the unfortunate admirer...")

(Paisiello's La Molinara with Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, Neue Musikzeitung, issue10/2023)


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